You will be eligible for the ETR for the part of the year that your child met the schooling requirement.
Example 1 - finishing secondary school and starting university
Katie's daughter Asher completes full-time secondary school in December and starts university in the second half of the financial year. Katie incurred $2,000 in eligible expenses in the final year of Asher's secondary schooling. Therefore, she is entitled to claim a refund for half of the financial year. The maximum ETR that Katie can claim is $397 (50% of $794).
End of example
Example 2 - finishing secondary school and starting work
Bill's son Declan completes full-time secondary school in December and works for the remainder of the financial year, earning more than the child income test limit for him to be an FTB child. Even though Declan's income for the year is over the child income test limit, he met the schooling requirement for half of the financial year. Therefore, Bill can claim a refund for Declan's last six months of school - up to $397 (50% of $794).
End of example