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T11 Other refundable tax offsets 2014

Complete question T11 to claim other refundable tax offsets.

Last updated 3 June 2014

Part A

Are you entitled to a Conservation tillage refundable tax offset for an eligible no-till seeder (eligible seeder)?

If you are a qualifying primary producer or an individual partner in a qualifying primary production partnership, you may be entitled to a refundable tax offset of 15% of the cost of an eligible seeder. If you are a partner in a partnership your offset claim will be made in accordance with your share of the partnership. For more information on this offset see Conservation tillage refundable tax offset.


Go to Part B.


Read on.

  1. Work out the cost of the eligible seeder. This will include optional equipment that forms part of the eligible seeder and was installed when it was first used.
  2. The maximum offset will be 15% of the amount from step 1.
  3. If you are a partner, your amount from step 2 will be in proportion to your share of the partnership.

Part B

Are you the principal beneficiary of a Special disability trust entitled to a tax offset for tax paid by the trustee?

If the trustee of the Special disability trust has lodged a tax return and paid tax on the net income of the trust, you are entitled to claim the amount of the tax paid by the trustee as a refundable tax offset. For more information on this offset see our factsheet Special disability trusts - tax return lodgment instructions.




Include the amount of the tax paid by the trustee as a Special disability trust offset.

Completing this item

  1. Add up all your refundable tax offset amounts for this item. Write the total at P item T11. Do not show cents.
  2. Complete the CODE box at the right of P item T11 as follows:
  • If you are only claiming a Conservation tillage refundable tax offset under Part A, print C in the CODE box.
  • If you are only claiming an offset as a beneficiary of a Special disability trust under Part B, print S in the CODE box.
  • If you are claiming for both types of offset under Part A and B print M in the CODE box.

Where to go next
