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A4 Working holiday maker net income 2022

Complete question A4 if you were in Australia on a 417 or 462 visa and earned income.

Last updated 25 May 2022

Were you on a 417 or 462 working holiday visa at any time during 2021–22?


Go to item Income tests 2022.


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Working holiday makers and visa class changes

If you are a foreign resident for income tax purposes and remained in Australia on a subclass 408 visa (Pandemic event)External Link as a result of your 417 or 462 visa expiring, your tax treatment will not be changed. Complete this question as though you remained on a 417 or 462 working holiday visa.

Answering this question

Your working holiday maker net income is the income you earned while you were on a 417 or 462 working holiday visa, less deductions relating to earning that income.

Working holiday maker income does not include any employment termination remainder. This amount is taxed according to your residency status.

Working out your working holiday maker net income

  1. Add up your working holiday maker income, that is salary and wages, that
    • you showed at item 1 on your tax return, and
    • you earned while you were on a 417 or 462 visa.

In most cases, income statements and payment summaries from your employer show the payment type H to indicate that you earned working holiday maker income.

If your income statement or payment summary does not show the payment type H but you earned income while you were on a 417 or 462 visa, then include that income in this step.

You must also show the payment type H against this income at item 1.

  1. Add up your working holiday maker income, other than salary and wages, that  
    • you showed on your tax return, and
    • you earned during 2021–22 while you were on a 417 and 462 visa.
  2. Add together the totals from step 1 and step 2 to get your gross working holiday maker income.
  3. Subtract any deductions at D1 to D10 that relate to earning your working holiday maker income. The result is your working holiday maker net income.

If this amount is less than zero, your working holiday maker net income is $0.

The example below explains how to:

  • work out your working holiday maker net income
  • complete this item.


Kiara, a citizen of Canada, is on a working holiday in Australia, on a 417 visa.

Between September 2021 and June 2022 Kiara worked on a number of farms in NSW and earned a total of $47,000. Her deductions relating to this income are $800.

Kiara will show $46,200 at D item A4 ($47,000 income from the farms less $800 deductions relating to earning that income).

Kiara will write Canada at E item A4.

Kiara also includes her deductions in the deductions section of the tax return.

End of example

Completing your tax return

Step 1

Write at D your working holiday maker net income.

Step 2

Write at E your home country. Your home country is where you are from. This will be the country you:

  • are a citizen of, or
  • have a permanent right to reside.

See also

Where to go next
