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6 Australian Government pensions and allowances 2023

Complete question 6 to declare pensions and allowances received from the Australian Government.

Last updated 24 May 2023

Things you need to know

Declare at this question the following Australian Government payments:

  • age pension
  • carer payment
  • disability support pension, if you have reached age-pension age
  • education entry payment
  • parenting payment (single)
  • age service pension
  • income support supplement
  • Defence Force income support allowance (DFISA) where the pension, payment or allowance to which it relates is taxable
  • DFISA-like payment from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA)
  • Veteran payment
  • invalidity service pension, if you have reached age-pension age
  • partner service pension.

Do not include any Australian Government pensions or allowances that are not taxable. For a list of the most common types of exempt Australian Government pensions, allowances and payments, see Amounts that you do not pay tax on 2023.

You may need to include the amounts that are not taxable at question IT3 Tax-free government pensions or benefits 2023.

You may be entitled to a tax offset on this income. Work through question T1 Seniors and pensioners tax offset 2023 to see if you are entitled to a tax offset.

Did you receive any of the payments listed above?


Go to question 7 Australian annuities and superannuation income streams 2023, or return to main menu Individual tax return instructions 2023.


Read below.

What you need to answer this question

You will need:

  • your PAYG payment summary – individual non-business, or
  • a letter from the agency that paid your pension, allowance or payment stating the amount that you received.

If you can't find or have not received this information, contact the agency that paid you.

Completing your tax return

To complete this question, follow the steps below.

Step 1

Add up the tax withheld shown on each of your payment summaries and letters.

Write the total under Tax withheld at the left of question 6 – label B.

Step 2

Add up the income shown on each of your payment summaries and letters.

Write the total at question 6 – label B.

Where to go next
