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Access Manager for business

How to appoint a business to act on your behalf in Online services for business or when using SBR-enabled software.

Last updated 21 July 2024

Appoint a business and assign permissions

The appointing business is known as the 'principal business'. Any actions taken by the appointed business are deemed to have been taken by the principal business.

Tax professionals don't require a business appointment, as they transact on your behalf using Online services for agents.

If an Authorised contact does not have an approved credential, they can appoint a business by completing a Cross entity authorisation nomination form.

To appoint a business and assign permissions:

  1. Select Who has access to my business.
  2. Select Appoint new business.
  3. Enter the ABN of the business to be appointed.
  4. Select Continue.
  5. Select the relevant permissions, or the Select all and Clear all buttons above the list.
  6. Select Save.

Administrators of the appointed business will automatically be given the permissions that are assigned.

Administrators will need to authorise any other users in the business who require access to the permissions as 'Standard users' (authorised users) in RAM.

Modify permissions for an appointed business

To modify the permissions for an appointed business:

  1. Select Who has access to my business.
  2. Select the appointed business from the list.
  3. Select or unselect each permission, or the Select all and Clear all buttons above the list.
  4. Select Save.

Remove a business appointment

To remove an appointed business:

  1. Select Who has access to my business.
  2. Select the appointed business from the list.
  3. Select Remove Business Appointment.
  4. Select Confirm.

Assign access to authorised users for a principal business

To assign permissions to Standard users (authorised users) in bulk:

  1. Select Whose business I can access.
  2. Select My credential holders with auto access – this will list all credential holders and let you give the user auto access if they don’t already have it.
  3. Select Give auto access from the Manage access column – this gives the user access to  
    • any future business appointments given to the business
    • all permissions made available by each business appointment.

To assign individual permissions:

  1. Select Whose business I can access.
  2. Select the relevant business – you can search for the business using the ABN or business name.
  3. Select View authorised credential holders – the business permissions displayed are the permissions that have been granted by the appointing business and are read only.
  4. Select Authorise new credential holder – a list of users who already have access to the principal business will also appear under Authorised credential holders.
  5. Select a user to assign access – you can search using their surname or given name.
  6. Select Credential holder list – this list includes all users who don't have access to the appointing business.
  7. Select the relevant permissions or use the Select all and Clear all buttons above the list. Only permissions allocated to the appointed business are displayed.
  8. Select Save.

Modify or remove access to authorised users for a principal business

If auto access has been set, it needs to be removed before permissions can be modified. Removing auto access will remove all access.

To remove auto access:

  1. Select Whose business I can access.
  2. Select My credential holders with auto access.
  3. Select Remove auto access.

If you removed auto access to modify access, follow the steps to Assign access to authorised users for a principal business.

If auto access hasn't been set:

  1. Select Whose business I can access.
  2. Select the relevant business – you can search for the business using the ABN or business name.
  3. Select View authorised credential holders – the business permissions which have been granted are by the appointing business and are read only.
  4. Select the user.

To modify access:

  1. Select or deselect the relevant permissions, or use the Select all and Clear all buttons above the list – only permissions allocated to the appointed business are displayed
  2. Select Confirm.

If you're removing access:

  1. Select Remove Authorisation.
  2. Select Confirm.
