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Using EmployerTICK

Last updated 21 March 2021

Service availability

The current availability status of SBR systems can be confirmed by accessing the SBR system status pageExternal Link.

Terms and conditions – appropriate use of the service

EmployerTICK can only be used in accordance with the terms and conditions of use that apply at the time of the transaction. Your access and use signifies your acceptance of the terms and conditions of use.

As per the terms and conditions, your use of EmployerTICK confirms you obtained the TFN from the TFN Declaration submitted to you. This allows us to send you back a ‘corrected’ TFN under Section 202CE of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.

We monitor use of the service and may contact employers (or their authorised representative) for clarification of transactions processed through the service.

Single service channel

The EmployerTICK single service channel is a web-based service accessed through software using machine credentials. The service utilises the SBR infrastructure, and you will either need to build the software or purchase software from a digital service provider (DSP) who has done this for you.

In order to use the EmployerTICK single request service you must:

  • have an active Australian business number (ABN) and be registered as an employer on our systems (or be an agent that has been appointed to act on behalf of an employer)
  • be using an SBR-certified software package that is EmployerTICK-enabled
  • have a machine credential.

Find out about:

Bulk service channel

Use of the EmployerTICK bulk channel differs between the different versions of the service. The instructions for using the bulk channel are not provided in this guide. Refer to your procedures and, or support area for information regarding bulk transactions.

You can also email for support for bulk transactions.

Data requirements

The mandatory requirements for EmployerTICK requests are:

  • full name (including ‘other given name’ if known)
  • tax file number (TFN)
  • date of birth.

Residential address is a voluntary component of the EmployerTICK request.

In order to use EmployerTICK you must have obtained the TFN from the TFN Declaration submitted to you. This allows us to send you back a ‘corrected’ TFN under Section 202CE of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (ITAA 1936).

See also:

Where mandatory employee information is not provided, the request from the employer (or the employer’s agent) will be rejected and an error response message returned.

Providing an employee’s address and other optional information increases the likelihood of our systems providing a ‘matched’ response.

Default or invalid TFNs

Default and invalid TFNs must not be validated through the service. However in many circumstances, an employer will be unaware that an employee’s TFN may be a default or invalid TFN.

There are circumstances where an employer could reasonably be expected to conclude that the TFN quoted is invalid for that employee. An example is when an employee provides a TFN exemption code (such as 111 111 111 or 333 333 333).

The service cannot be used if the employee does not provide a TFN.
