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Historical transactions

How to check the status of enquiries you've made with us for your client or your practice.

Last updated 6 June 2024

In Historical transactions you can check the status of enquiries you've made with us for your client or your practice.

Historical transactions include:

  • Online services for agents  
    • mail messages
    • online forms
    • refund requests
    • transfer requests 
  • mail
  • phone
  • fax.

This function only shows a list of interactions and their status. You can't view the content of the message. If you no longer have the content for a specific interaction, contact us with the receipt number.

Interactions remain viewable for 3 months after the completion date.

To view interactions for your practice, at the agent home page select Communication then Historical transactions.

To view interactions for a client see Historical transactions – client summary.

You can return to the top of this Online services for agents user guide for help on other areas.
