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How to view, update and remove functions in the Profile menu.

Last updated 6 June 2024

Prepare to act on behalf of your client by checking you have the appropriate signed authority to do so.

View and update your client's details.

View and update your client's addresses.

View, add, update and delete activity statement account email addresses.

View authorised contacts for all of your clients' accounts and roles.

View details of your client's associates, including the associate's name and position held.

View and update the financial institution details and accounts for your clients.

View, add, update and delete credit/debit card details for your clients.

View, add, update or cancel your client's tax registrations for a role or account.

Set your client’s communication preferences.

Use communication history at the client summary to view or send messages relevant to your client.

Use communication history at the client summary to view or send messages relevant to your client.

Check the status of enquiries you have made with us on behalf of your client.
