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Lodging activity statements

What you need to do before you can lodge an activity statement for a client.

Last updated 18 June 2024

Before you lodge activity statements for a client, you must create a relationship between the registered agent and the client in the PLS.

You can use the client update (CUREL) service to add a client to your client list. Check if the client is already on your client list before updating.

If you are a tax agent linked to a client's IT role, you will be able to lodge activity statements without sending a client update.

Activity statements received by other electronic channels or paper can also be lodged through the PLS, provided the client is listed on your client list.

The activity statement list interaction and the activity statement lodgment report (ASLRPT) will contain the unique document identification numbers (DINs). A DIN is required to request pre-fill information for a specific activity statement and to lodge the activity statement.

Revisions can be lodged using the DIN of the activity statement that is to be revised.

Find more information in Simpler BAS GST bookkeeping guide.
