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Key reporting obligations and lodgment dates for APRA funds

MATS and MAAS reporting for member data, USM, lost members, DASP, income tax, PAYG and employer reporting to funds.

Last updated 11 September 2024

Reporting member data

Funds are required to report different types of member data to us within specific timeframes.

Where a due date falls on a weekend or public holiday, the lodgment or payment may be made on the first business day after the due date without incurring a penalty or general interest charge.

Member contributions

These must be reported within 10 business days of the event or allocation to a member’s account by using the Member Account Transaction Service (MATS).

Member account phases and member details

You are required to report the following using the Member Account Attribute Service (MAAS) within 5 business days of:

  • opening new accounts
  • any updates
  • closures.

Member contribution balance amounts

These must be reported annually. The member contribution amounts as at the 30 June must be reported no later than 31 October following the end of the financial year they relate to.

Lost members and unclaimed super

Reporting is required twice each year, please see the following dates for full details.

Important member reporting dates

14 August

Departing Australia superannuation payment (DASP) payment summaries issued in the last financial year can be:

  • included in the funds PAYG payment summary annual report for payments not reported and finalised through Single Touch Payroll (STP), see Annual reporting.
  • reported separately by 31 October, see further information at Withholding and reporting.

31 October

Annual balances:

  • you are required to report the 30 June balance of your member accounts no later than 31 October each year or you may choose to report member account balances more frequently
  • PAYG withholding payment summary – annual report for DASP data records if you didn't report these by 14 August with other payment summaries you issued for the last financial year
  • last date to assess and report a change in Lost member's, lost status account attribute on or after 30 June but before 31 October
  • last date to report and pay Unclaimed super money statement for the period 1 January – 30 June including for
    • small or insoluble lost member accounts
    • inactive low-balance accounts.

Due date for:

  • lodgement and payment of Unclaimed super money statement for former temporary residents unclaimed super to us.

30 April

Last date to:

  • assess and report a change in Lost member's, lost status account attribute on or after 31 December but before 30 April
  • report and pay Unclaimed super money statement for the period 1 July – 31 December including for
    • small or insoluble lost member accounts
    • inactive low-balance accounts.

Due date for:

  • lodgement and payment of Unclaimed super money statements that relate to unclaimed super for former temporary residents.

Fund business reporting requirements

Income tax

You must lodge an annual income tax return each year. The general date for lodgment is 31 October. In practice, most fund's returns are lodged in accordance with their tax agent's lodgment program which will dictate the date required. Please see Companies and super funds for information on lodgment and payment due dates.

Pay as you go (PAYG)

PAYG instalments are notified on your activity statements and payment of any net amount must be made on or before the activity statement lodgment due date.

14 August

Due date for PAYG payment summary annual report for payments not reported and finalised through Single Touch Payroll (STP), see further information at Annual reporting.

Please note that DASP summaries issued in the last financial year can be included in this report. For full details of DASP reporting options see Important member reporting dates.

Employer reporting to funds

Employers must pay employees super contributions to funds by the super payment due dates. When a super due date falls on a weekend or public holiday, contributions must be received by the fund on or before the next business day.

If employers have missed the quarterly payment due date or made late super payments, they will need to lodge a SGC statement and pay the SGC to us. These member contributions are then paid by us to the funds which then have reporting obligations for member data.
