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APRA-regulated super fund client experience survey open

Have your say in the APRA-regulated super fund client experience survey. Open until COB, 10 May 2024.

Published 29 April 2024

We're pleased to announce the launch of our APRA-regulated super fund client experience surveyExternal Link.

Our survey is designed to gather feedback on how effective our working relationship is with the APRA-regulated super fund industry as we work together to administer the super system.

This is your opportunity to tell us about your experience and preferences when interacting with us. Your feedback will help us understand how we can improve our services and engagement with you.

By participating in the survey, you'll have the opportunity to provide feedback on topics such as:

  • ATO consultation
  • super products and services
  • support and engagement activities.

Participation is voluntary and your feedback will remain anonymous unless you choose to identify yourself. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and will remain open until 5:00 pm Friday, 10 May 2024.

We encourage you to complete the survey and share it with your colleagues or others in your industry network to help increase the valuable feedback we receive.

Looking for the latest news for Super funds? – You can stay up to date by visiting our Super funds newsroom and subscribingExternal Link to our monthly Super funds newsletter and CRT alerts.
