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Due dates

Key lodgment and payment dates for clients of registered agents for 2024–25, listed by month.

Last updated 30 June 2024

Key lodgment and payment due dates for clients of registered agents for 2024–25:

This list of lodgment program due dates is not comprehensive – it is a guide only. Events or timelines may change. Unless otherwise stated, the due dates provided are for 30 June balancers only.

When a due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, you can lodge or pay on the next business day.

The payment due date for a tax return is determined by client type, the lodgment due date and when the return is lodged.


Information for registered agents about preparing and lodging tax statements and returns due in July 2024.

Information for registered agents about preparing and lodging tax statements and returns due in August 2024.

Information for registered agents about preparing and lodging tax statements and returns due in September 2024.

Information for registered agents about preparing and lodging tax statements and returns due in October 2024.

Information for registered agents about preparing and lodging tax statements and returns due in November 2024.

Information for registered agents about preparing and lodging tax statements and returns due in December 2024.

Information for registered agents about preparing and lodging tax statements and returns due in January 2025.

Information for registered agents about preparing and lodging tax statements and returns due in February 2025.

Information for registered agents about preparing and lodging tax statements and returns due in March 2025.

Information for registered agents about preparing and lodging tax statements and returns due in April 2025.

Information for registered agents about preparing and lodging tax statements and returns due in May 2025.

Information for registered agents about preparing and lodging tax statements and returns due in June 2025.
