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Tax professionals webcasts

Watch tax professionals webcasts – our free, one-hour livestreams for the tax profession.

Last updated 14 July 2024


Tax professionals webcasts are free, one-hour live events for the tax profession. You can ask questions and hear about our current priorities. It’s a great way to engage with us.

What webcasts offer

We cover topics relevant to you, your practice and your clients. These live interactive events feature a panel of experts which may include:

  • members of professional associations and industry coaches and mentors
  • registered tax and BAS agents
  • digital service providers (software developers)
  • senior ATO staff.

Your participation may contribute towards your continuing professional education (CPE). For more information, contact your professional association, or visit the Tax Practitioners BoardExternal Link website.

If you miss the webcast, the recording will be available.

Webcast recordings

Watch recordings of previous webcasts:
