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ATO led prosecution statistics

Discover the outcomes of our ATO-led prosecutions for 2023–24, highlighting our various compliance actions.

Published 30 January 2025

2023–24 saw another increase in our ATO-led prosecution outcomes, building on our success from the previous year. Although, we haven’t yet returned to pre-pandemic levels, we are continuing to see an upward trend with 226 successful court cases and $2.86 million worth of fines across 2023–2024.

Summary tax offences – typically under the Taxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA) include:

  • failing to lodge a tax, BAS or FBT return
  • failing to comply with an information gathering notice
  • failing to comply with a Court Order under s8G of the TAA
  • making false or misleading statements, and
  • incorrectly keeping records.

Offences prosecuted under the Criminal Code, include:

  • obtaining financial advantage by deception
  • dishonestly causing a loss to the Commonwealth
  • forgery offences
  • money laundering
  • Illicit tobacco offences.

Our recent investigations led to significant breakthroughs in combating tax fraud. We brought to justice Shaun Both, who fraudulently obtained over $1 million in GST refunds, and uncovered the deceptive activities of Ravindra Narayan and Duane Saltmer, who claimed $4 million in false tax refunds. Additionally, we exposed Gavin Swan, who redirected nearly $600,000 from clients’ tax returns and COVID-19 relief payments. These three cases resulted in a combined 23 years in prison.

Our Audit, Investigations, and Prosecution teams within the Criminal Law Program work diligently to ensure all taxpayers meet their obligations. Learn more about our compliance activities here.
