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The lodgment program 2023–24 is available now

Last updated 3 July 2023

The lodgment program helps you manage your workload by allowing progressive lodgment of your clients' obligations over the 12-month period ending 30 June 2024.

You can access the Tax agent lodgment program or BAS agent lodgment program from our website. Check out the due dates by month for a snapshot of what's coming up.

What's new?

We've moved the lodgment due date for tax returns for taxable large and medium entities from 15 January 2024 to 31 January 2024. This includes the associated schedules and reports.

This date will be updated in our systems soon.

There is no change to the payment due date of 1 December 2023.

Tips to prepare for tax time

To prepare for tax time, we recommend you:

If you or your practice are feeling overwhelmed or experiencing challenges beyond your control, we have a range of support options to help you get back on track.

Remember, the new lodgment deferral function in Online services for agents has made the lodgment deferral process easier!
