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Updated is here

Our website has been updated. Find out what's new and what you need to do.

Published 15 February 2024

The website has been updated to provide enhanced search functionality, streamlined navigation and a modern design.

You will still:

  • visit the same web address (
  • use any existing bookmarks - however we encourage you to update them for the best user experience
  • refer to the same quick codes (QC)
  • view the same trusted tax and super content
  • use the suite of tools and calculators.

With the release of our updated site, it’s important to be aware of fraudulent websites and phishing scams. Always access the website directly from our address and avoid clicking on suspicious links or emails. If you suspect any suspicious activity, report it immediately.

Explore our updated website to take advantage of its new features and enhancements.

To find out more watch our updated videoExternal Link, or visit: An updated experience.

