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Notify us when forming a multiple entry consolidated group

An MEC group is a group of Australian entities that is wholly foreign-owned and does not have a common Australian resident head company. Use this form to notify us of the formation of a multiple entry consolidated (MEC) group. NAT 7024

Last updated 25 February 2020

A multiple entry consolidated (MEC) group is formed when all of the eligible tier-1 companies of a potential MEC group make a written choice to form a MEC group from a particular date; that is, the date of consolidation. The head company of the MEC group must also notify us about the formation of the group using the appropriate form.

How to notify us

Either the head company's public officer, as listed in the Australian Business Register (ABR), or its registered tax agent can notify us about the group's formation using one of the following methods:

Do not use this form for consolidated groups.

This formation notification is not sufficient to meet the requirement to make a choice in writing to form a MEC group.

Notifying us is not the same as making written choice to form a MEC group. The requirement to make a written choice is in addition to the requirement to notify us of the formation.

The head company must notify us about the group's formation by one of the following dates:

  • the date it lodges its income tax return for the income year in which the chosen date of consolidation occurs
  • if a return is not required, by the date it would otherwise be due.

We recommend the head company submits the notification two or three weeks before lodging their income tax return. This will allow us to update our records for the group and ensure the return is processed correctly.

Remember, once the choice to consolidate is made, that choice cannot be revoked and the date of consolidation cannot be changed.

For details about the personal information we collect from you see Privacy notice – Formation of a multiple entry consolidated group.
