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Tax Practitioner Stewardship Group

What the Tax Practitioner Stewardship Group does, contact details, members and key messages from meetings.

Last updated 25 July 2024

The Tax Practitioner Stewardship Group (TPSG) is one of the Stewardship groups operated by the ATO as a means of improving the client experience and administration of Australia’s taxation, superannuation and registry systems.

The group provides an opportunity for strategic discussion to develop and improve the administration and operation of the taxation and superannuation systems into the future.

The group will focus on:

  • identifying opportunities to improve the taxation and superannuation system to make it easy to get things right and hard not to, through an understanding of the effects on the tax practitioner sector
  • gaining insights into issues faced by the tax practitioner sector to improve future approaches and processes
  • providing an insight into the profession through their membership and network, to better understand how the tax profession can contribute into the initiatives and improvement of the tax and superannuation systems.


The secretariat of the Tax Practitioner Stewardship Group can be contacted by email at


Group membership details




Andrew Watson (Co-chair), Individuals and Intermediaries


Elissa Walker, Enterprise Solutions and Technology


Emma Rosenzweig, Superannuation and Employer Obligations


Grant Brodie, Client Account Services


Michael Rowell, Enterprise Solutions and Technology


Sonia Corsini, Individuals and Intermediaries


Will Day, Small Business

Australian Bookkeepers Association

Peter Thorp

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand

Susan Franks

CPA Australia

Bill Leung

Institute of Certified Bookkeepers

Matthew Addison

Institute of Financial Professionals Australia

Mark Dodds

Institute of Public Accountants

Tony Greco

National Tax and Accountants Association

Rodney Wilson

Tax practitioner

Ani Tuna

Tax practitioner

Brian Greenacre

Tax practitioner

Dean Forte

Tax practitioner

Julian Shimmin

Tax practitioner

Keith Clissold

Tax practitioner

Ken Thomas

Tax practitioner

Phil McCann

Tax practitioner

Steven Inglis

Tax practitioner

Ursula Lepporoli

Tax Practitioners Board

Debra Anderson

Tax Practitioners Board

Peter deCure

The Tax Institute

Robyn Jacobson (Co-chair)

Key messages

Key messages from meetings held in the last 3 years are available below.

For prior key messages, email the secretariat and specify your requirements.
