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Public business and international groups

Public business and international groups play a crucial role in Australia's revenue system.

Last updated 16 December 2018

Most of the largest organisations operating in Australia are publicly listed Australian or multinational groups. They play a crucial role in the revenue system by paying and withholding taxes – and contributing to and managing superannuation (super) on their employees' behalf.

Engaging with you

Australia's largest businesses receive customised service from us. We tailor our interactions with publicly listed and multinational groups based on company size, complexity and behaviour. Our focus is on prevention before correction, and providing early assurance to taxpayers.

We're committed to working together to improve the client experience and shape our future tax and super systems.

See also:

How we build trust that medium and emerging public and multinational businesses are meeting their income tax obligations.

How we develop strong, purposeful relationships and focus on early engagement to focus on getting it right.

As significant contributors to the tax system, Australia's largest taxpayers expect and receive premium service.

You expect the right people from the ATO to be involved and for the process to be sensitive to your business.

How we give guidance about the current ATO interpretation of law and information about the risk assessment process.

What your tax obligations are for different collective investment vehicles.

An overview of the significant global entity (SGE) concept for income years commencing from 1 July 2019.

An overview of country-by-country (CBC) reporting entities.

Your country-by-country reporting entity with an Australian presence must give us a GPFS unless ASIC already has it.
