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Implementation project overview

An eInvoicing implementation project will involve a technical enablement and change management components.

Last updated 24 July 2023

eInvoicing setup

Commercial off-the-shelf product

Some software products are already eInvoicing enabled, which means that they can connect you to the Peppol network to send and/or receive eInvoices ‘out of the box’.

If your software product is eInvoicing ready your eInvoicing implementation project should be relatively fast and straightforward.

This may depend on several factors, such as:

  • how the product supports eInvoicing – e.g., does it only send or receive invoices, or both
  • whether you are required to upgrade your software to eInvoice. For example, move to the latest version of the product, migrate to their cloud product, or enable a particular module of a product
  • procure an eInvoicing-ready product.

Procuring an access point to eInvoice

If your software product is not eInvoicing ready or is unable to connect to the Peppol network, you will need to procure the services of an A-NZ accredited access point to connect to the Peppol network.

The procurement of an access point will take more effort and may include the following steps:

  • Tender process required to select an access point
  • Integration and configuration between the access point and your software, including agreeing to:
    • the format of data and possible conversion of data to the Peppol xml format
    • the data to be sent or received
    • the protocol used to send or receive data

how the data is sent or received – i.e. SFTP or API testing of the solution between your access point and your software to ensure you can send or receive invoices.

The indicative implementation project complexity, timeframes, resourcing, and phases are listed below:

Table 2 Implementation project complexity

Product type

Product characteristics


eInvoicing ready product*

Peppol connection and native format available


AP automation software/OCR

Multiple integrations plus access point setup







AR automation/billing software

Multiple integrations plus access point setup

Document management software

Multiple integrations plus access point setup


New modules and/or upgrades may be required, plus access point setup

Industry-specific software

New modules and/or upgrades may be required, plus access point setup

Bespoke or custom software

Changes to software plus access point setup


EDI solution

Remapping each EDI connection to Peppol plus access point setup

For further information see How to get started section in this report.

Table 3 Implementation project in calendar days

Peppol eInvoicing implementation project complexity








Table 4 Resourcing from implementing organisation for connecting to the Peppol network.

Resourcing profile for a Peppol eInvoicing project

% work time

Finance resource


IT resource

