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Reporting and paying GST

GST applies to every dollar you earn as a ride-sourcing driver.

Last updated 11 June 2019

GST is charged on the full fare passengers pay you for ride-sourcing services. The full fare, which includes GST, is generally calculated by the platform you're using.

As a ride-sourcing driver, you need to report and pay the GST your business has collected using a BAS.

Once you have registered for GST, you can also use a BAS to claim a credit for any GST included in the price of any goods and services you buy for your business.

You need to report your GST payments monthly or quarterly on a BAS (you cannot choose to report annually).

Find out about:

See also:

Find out how to calculate the GST payable on fares you receive for providing ride-sourcing services.

If you provide ride-sourcing services, you may be able to claim GST credits under certain conditions.
