Question 8: Have the entity's petroleum project or combined petroleum project details changed since it last notified the ATO?
If the entity’s petroleum project or combined petroleum project details have not changed since they last notified us, place an X in the ‘No’ box.
If you answer 'No' and you:
- have inserted a PRRT registration number at question 4, go to section C
- have not inserted a PRRT registration number at question 4, either
- complete and attach an Application to register for petroleum resource rent tax (PRRT) (NAT 9847) to this PRRT instalment statement
- go to question 10 and insert the current project details.
If the entity’s petroleum project or combined petroleum project details have changed since they last notified us, place an X in the ‘Yes’ box and complete questions 9 and 10.
Question 9: Previous project details
Insert the previous name of the project, as notified to us.
Place an X in the box next to the applicable previous project reference number type and insert the relevant project reference number for the previous project details.
If the previous interest was an interest in:
- an exploration permit, place an X in the ‘Exploration permit’ box and insert the exploration permit number
- a retention lease, place an X in the ‘Retention lease’ box and insert the retention lease number
- a production licence, place an X in the ‘Production licence’ box and insert the production licence number
- a combined project with combination certificate, place an X in the ‘Combined project’ box and insert the combination certificate number. If there is no combination certificate number on the combination certificate, insert the first production licence number listed on the combination certificate.
If the project is an interest in the North West Shelf project or Bass Strait project, leave the 'Licence number' box blank.
If the project has undergone more than one change since the entity last notified us, insert all applicable previous project reference numbers.
Question 10: Current project details
Insert the current name of the project.
If the current project has a production licence, place an X in the ‘Production licence’ box, insert the production licence number and date of issue and then go to section C.
If the project is an interest in the North West Shelf project or Bass Strait project, leave the production licence number and date of issue boxes blank and then go to 'Additional production licence details' and insert all relevant production licence details.
If the current project is a combined project, place an X in the ‘Combined project’ box and then insert the combination certificate number and date of issue. If there is no combination certificate number on the combination certificate, insert the first production licence number listed on the combination certificate and the date of issue of that production licence.
If the entity:
- has previously notified us of the combined project details, including relevant production licence numbers, and these details have not changed, go to section C
- has not previously notified us of the combined project details, or these details have changed since the entity last notified us, go to 'Additional production licence details' to insert these details.
Additional production licence details
If the entity has obtained a combination certificate since it last notified us of the project details, insert
- the production licence numbers for the combined project
- the date of issue of each production licence
- an X in the 'Added' box next to each production licence number.
Insert the details of any changes to the production licences if either:
- the project is an interest in the North West Shelf project or Bass Strait project
- the project was already a combined project when the entity last notified us of the project details, but there have been changes to the production licences covered by the project (because licences have either been added or surrendered).
Insert the relevant production licence number, date of issue and whether the production licence was added or surrendered by placing an X in the appropriate box.
Do not insert the production licence details you have already notified us of if the details have not changed.
Insert the entity’s entitlement to petroleum from the project as a percentage (rounded to two decimal places). If the entitlement cannot accurately be described as a percentage, insert details in the free text field.
If there are more than 5 production licences to list, attach a separate sheet of paper titled 'Current project details: additional production licences' and provide the following details of all other production licences:
- The ABN and legal name of the entity as it appears at questions 1 and 3.
- All additional production licence numbers, the dates of issue of the respective production licences and whether the licences were added or surrendered.