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Can you use this application for refund of franking credits?

Last updated 14 July 2020

See Do you need to lodge a tax return?

If you answer yes to all the points below, you can use this application.

Note: All the statements below relate to the income year 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008.

  • You do not have to lodge a tax return. (If you are not sure whether you need to lodge a tax return, phone 13 28 61.)
  • You were an Australian resident for tax purposes for the whole tax year. (If you are not sure whether you were an Australian resident, see item 2.)
  • You are not claiming a refund of franking credits for a deceased estate.
  • Your total dividend income was $6,000 or less.
    If you were under 18 years old on 30 June 2008, your total dividend income was $416 or less.
  • You received dividends from shares (or non-share equity interests) in an Australian or New Zealand company.
    You were entitled to distributions from investments in a managed fund.
  • Your dividend or distribution statement showed franking credits.
    Note: Statements from New Zealand companies must show Australian franking credits, New Zealand imputation credits do not qualify.
    Amounts were withheld from your dividends because you did not provide a tax file number.

If you have franking credits but you were not able to tick all the boxes, you will need to lodge a tax return to claim the benefit of these credits.
