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Reportable tax position schedule instructions 2017

Last updated 10 February 2019

These instructions help you complete the:

The Reportable tax position schedule 2017 and Reportable tax position early disclosure form 2017 may be completed online if you enable JavaScript. Once you have enabled JavaScript, changes can be saved to your computer. When you have completed the schedule you must print it and send it to us. You cannot submit it online.

Do not use correction fluid or tape to make corrections on your completed schedule. If you make a mistake on the schedule, make your corrections electronically and print a new copy.

What you must do

If we have notified you in writing that you must lodge a reportable tax position schedule, you must:

  • answer Yes at item 23 of the Company tax return 2017 (NAT 0656)
  • complete the Reportable tax position schedule 2017 (NAT 74066) – the schedule.

You also have the option to complete the Reportable tax position early disclosure form 2017 (NAT 74066) early disclosure form. Disclosing a position via this form allows you to disclose a position when information about this position is fresh in your mind.

Find out about:

Section A: Details of the entity lodging the reportable tax position schedule or early disclosure form


  • the name of your entity
  • your tax file number (TFN)
  • your Australian business number (ABN), if any.
