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Supporting information to provide

Check if you need to provide any supporting information to avoid delays to your objection or private ruling request.

Information to provide with your objection or private ruling request about capital gains.

Information to provide with your objection or private ruling request about deductions.

Information to provide with your private or class ruling request about a demerger.

Information to provide with your objection about excise.

Information to provide with your objection or private ruling request about GST.

Information to provide with your objection or private ruling about income.

Information to provide with your objection or private ruling request about the Medicare levy.

Information to provide when submitting an objection about penalties, interest or extensions.

Information to supply for a private ruling or objection about personal services income.

Information to provide with your objection or private ruling request about residency in Australia for tax purposes.

Apply for early engagement or a private ruling for sovereign entities seeking exemption from certain returns.

Information to provide with your objection or private ruling request about superannuation.

Information to provide with your objection about tax offsets.

Information to provide with your objection about taxable value of car parking fringe benefits.

Information to provide with your objection or private ruling request about the taxation of financial arrangements (TOFA).

Information to provide with your objection about undeducted purchase price.
