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T9 Other refundable tax offsets 2015

Complete question T9 to claim other refundable tax offsets.

Last updated 28 May 2015

Are you the principal beneficiary of a Special disability trust entitled to a tax offset for tax paid by the trustee?

If the trustee of the Special disability trust has lodged a tax return and paid tax on the net income of the trust, you are entitled to claim the amount of the tax paid by the trustee as a refundable tax offset. For more information on this offset see our factsheet Special disability trusts - tax return lodgment instructions.


Go to Total supplement tax offsets, or

return to main menu Individual tax return instructions.     


Include the amount of the tax paid by the trustee as a Special disability trust offset.

Completing this item

  • Add up all your refundable tax offset amounts for this item. Write the total at P item T9. Do not show cents.
  • Print S in the CODE box at the right of P.

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