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Sharing economy

If your clients are engaged in the sharing economy, include their income and deductions in their tax returns.

Last updated 10 June 2024

Sharing economy activities

The sharing economy is economic activity undertaken through a digital platform (such as a website or an app) where people share assets or services for a fee.

Sharing economy activities include:

  • ride-sourcing (also known as ride-sharing), which is transporting passengers for a fare
  • renting out all or part of a house or unit on a short-term basis
  • sharing assets, such as    
    • personal assets, like boats, cars or caravans
    • storage or business spaces, like car parking spaces or offices
    • personal belongings, like tools or sports equipment
  • providing services, such as      
    • delivering goods, like food or parcels
    • performing tasks and activities for other people, like odd jobs, cleaning or running errands
    • providing professional services, like web or trade services.

See details of the income and deductions you should include in tax returns.

Digital platforms

If your clients provide goods or services through digital platforms, consider how income tax, goods and services tax (GST) or any other tax applies to their earnings.

Ride-sourcing services

If your clients are providing ride-sourcing services, regardless of how much they earn they may need to both:

