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Tax and superannuation statistics

Data we collect as the government's principal revenue collection agency and administrator of Australia's super system.

Last updated 13 June 2024

We collect a wide range of data from different sources in our role as the government's principal revenue collection agency and an administrator of Australia’s superannuation system.

We compile statistical information from this data and publish it in a range of forms. Our annual publication, Taxation statistics, provides a comprehensive statistical summary of information taxpayers report to us. It includes information sourced from:

  • the income tax returns of individuals, companies, super funds, partnerships and trusts
  • annual returns for fringe benefits tax (FBT) and goods and services tax (GST)
  • business activity statements (BAS) and instalment activity statements (IAS)
  • schedules for rental properties, capital gains tax (CGT) and international dealings
  • superannuation member contribution statements (MCS)
  • other information reported to us in relation to excise, the pay as you go (PAYG) system, and charitable institutions.

Taxation statistics also provides industry benchmarks (that can be used to analyse business activity and performance) and data on the time-based cost of compliance.

We welcome your feedback on how we present this information and what we include. Email us at

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Data requests

If you have a request for data not covered by Taxation statistics, email your request to

Where we can, we'll make these datasets available by publishing them on Link. In some cases, we may not be able to release the data you request due to confidentiality issues or resource constraints.

See also

Other taxation and superannuation statistics

Other taxation and superannuation statistics include:

Links to other government tax-related information sources.

Report on the extent of Australia's international trade, various tax concerns and how we are addressing those issues.
