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Closed groups

Access information from meetings of our consultation groups that have closed.

Access information from meetings of our Consultation Steering group.

A summary of key topics discussed at the Lodgment Program Review Working Group meeting 14 June 2022.

Key messages from the Modernising Business Registers Business Advisory Group meeting 19 June 2023.

Summary of key topics discussed at the Retirement Villages Working Group meeting 4 April 2022.

Key topics discussed at the Single Touch Payroll Employer Transition Working Group 18 April 2023.

Key topics discussed at the Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 Advisory Group meeting 11 April 2023.

Summary of the key topics discussed at the SMSF Rollovers Authorities v3 Co-design Group meeting 1 February 2022.

Summary of key messages from Supporting the Tax Profession Working Group meeting 4 May 2021.
