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Last updated 8 August 2021

Appendix A – ATO performance

We measure the extent to which we are achieving our purpose as an organisation, through a range of performance measures that align with our strategic objectives.

Strategic objective G1

Table 6A: Latest performance results

Performance measure

Latest result

Performance target

Confidence – community confidence in the ATO



Registration – proportion of companies and individuals registered in the system

Companies registered in the system: 66.1% (a)

Individuals registered in the system: 106.0% (b)  

See note (c)

Lodgment – proportion of activity statements and income tax returns lodged on time

Activity statements lodged on time: 74.6%

Income tax returns (2018–19 returns) lodged on time: 83.9%

Activity statements lodged on time: 78%

Income tax returns lodged on time: 83%

Payment – proportion of liabilities paid on time by value



Correct reporting – tax gap as a proportion of revenue

Refer to the Commissioner of Taxation annual report 2019–20 (page 62) for detailed information and trends

See note (d)  

Debt – ratio of collectable debt to net tax collections (e)


Below 8.0%

Total revenue effects – tax revenue from all compliance activities

$13.7 billion

$15 billion

Tax assured – proportion of the tax base where the ATO has justified trust that tax paid is correct based on the proportion of income, deductions and tax offsets assured

47.6% (of total tax reported in 2017–18)
Refer to the Commissioner of Taxation annual report 2019–20 (page 65) for more detail

See note (f)

(a) The result compares the number of companies registered by the ATO to the number of companies registered by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Not all companies that are registered with ASIC have taxation and reporting requirements. Therefore, the proportion is always expected to be well below 100%.
(b) The trends in registration of individuals are closely aligned to population growth. This result is always expected to remain above 100% because the ATO’s definition of ‘resident’ captures a greater number of people than the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) estimated resident population. This is particularly true for individuals who have recently migrated to Australia or are seasonal workers.
(c) The ATO aims to ensure that all entities that are required to participate in the tax and superannuation systems are registered on the ATO’s client register, allowing a tolerance of 2% (companies) and 5% (individuals) from the last reporting period (increase or decrease).
(d) Reduce the gap to a level as low as practicable given the nature and complexity of the law and the resources available.
(e) Debt performance targets have increased due to the broader economic environment, which has been impacted by drought, bushfires and the COVID-19 pandemic.
(f) Increase the proportion of the tax base where the ATO has justified trust to a level as high as practicable given the nature and complexity of the law and resources available.
Table 6B: Performance targets for 2022–23 to 2024–25

Performance measure

Performance target

Performance target

Performance target

Data Sources

Confidence – community confidence in the ATO




ATO client survey

Registration – proportion of companies and individuals registered in the system

See note (a)

See note (a)

See note (a)

ASIC data, ATO systems, ABS data

Lodgment – proportion of activity statements and income tax returns lodged on time

Activity statements lodged on time: 78%
Income tax returns lodged on time: 83%

Activity statements lodged on time: 78%
Income tax returns lodged on time: 83%

Activity statements lodged on time: 78%
Income tax returns lodged on time: 83%

ATO systems

Payment – proportion of liabilities paid on time by value




ATO systems

Correct reporting – tax gap as a proportion of revenue

See note (b)

See note (b)

See note (b)

ATO systems, models, economic data (c)

Debt – ratio of collectable debt to net tax collections (d)  

Below 7.5%

Below 6.5%

Below 6.0%

ATO systems, ATO financial statements

Total revenue effects – tax revenue from all compliance activities

$15 billion

$15 billion

$15 billion

ATO systems, models

Tax assured – proportion of the tax base where the ATO has justified trust that tax paid is correct based on the proportion of income, deductions and tax offsets assured

See note (e)  

See note (e)  

See note (e)  

ATO systems, models

(a) The ATO aims to ensure that all entities that are required to participate in the tax and superannuation systems are registered on the ATO’s client register, allowing a tolerance of 2% (companies) and 5% (individuals) from the last reporting period (increase or decrease).
(b) Reduce the gap to a level as low as practicable given the nature and complexity of the law and the resources available.
(c) For further details, see Principles and approaches to measuring gaps, available at
(d) Debt performance targets have increased due to the broader economic environment, which has been impacted by drought, bushfires and the COVID-19 pandemic.
(e) Increase the proportion of the tax base where the ATO has justified trust to a level as high as practicable given the nature and complexity of the law and resources available.
