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Section 20C notices are about to issue

Reminder to funds, section 20C notices are about to issue.

Last updated 29 February 2024

From 4 March 2024, we will be issuing Section 20C notices for the period 1 July to 31 December 2023, with a due date of 30 April 2024.

If there's an exceptional reason that will delay the reporting of any lodgment or payment components, you must ensure a deferral request is lodged with us for consideration via the Super Enquiry Service. This must be done prior to lodging any other unclaimed super money statements for that period.

If you think one of your members has been incorrectly identified as a former temporary resident, you must lodge a revocation request with all relevant information for us to consider. We'll review the matter and revoke the notice, if appropriate.

Deferral and revocation requests, and any further enquiries about section 20C notices can be made using the Accessing Super Enquiry Service for APRA funds.

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