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Matters currently under consultation for Intermediaries.

Last updated 3 July 2024

[202411] Advance pricing arrangement program review recommendations


April 2024

Expected completion of consultation

July 2024

Consultation status

Feedback is being considered.

Consultation purpose

To seek feedback on the 8 recommendations made from the advance pricing arrangement (APA) program review and consider their appropriateness and if additional changes are required to the APA program.


Targeted consultation is required to assess the current state of the advance pricing arrangement program to determine if additional changes need to be implemented following the report recommendations from the APA program review that was completed 30 June 2023.

Who we are consulting

  • Big 4 accounting firms
  • Law firm Minter Ellison

Consultation lead

Gloria Cassimats, Public Groups
Phone 07 3213 5266

[202401] Multinational Tax Integrity – strengthening Australia’s interest limitation (thin capitalisation) rules


January 2024

Expected completion of consultation

Consultation on potential guidance topics, prioritisation and form closed on 30 April 2024. The expected completion date of publication of proposed public advice and guidance (PAG) will be determined thereafter.

Consultation status

Consultation on potential guidance topics, prioritisation and form is closed. We have published a summary of PAG topics raised by stakeholders and outlined how these will be prioritised.

Consultation on high priority PAG topics commenced in May.

Consultation purpose

Following stakeholder feedback on PAG topics, prioritisation and form for the new thin capitalisation measures, we will now be consulting on the high priority topics to develop specific PAG products.


On 8 April 2024, the Treasury Laws Amendment (Making Multinationals Pay their Fair Share – Integrity and Transparency) Act 2024 received Royal Assent.

The ATO is proposing to provide guidance setting out the Commissioner of Taxation’s views on, and approach to, key aspects of the proposed new thin capitalisation rules and debt deduction creation rules contained in Schedule 2 of the Act.

Stakeholder feedback is sought on potential topics, prioritisation and the form of any potential public advice and guidance.

It is intended that only the most important issues arising from the new law will be addressed through the preparation of early ATO public advice and guidance.

Who we are consulting

Consultation lead

Stephen Dodshon, Public Groups
Phone 02 9374 8791

[202305] Client agent linking


February 2023

Expected completion of consultation

August 2024

Consultation status

Consultation is underway.

Consultation purpose

To seek feedback on the ATO’s new agent nomination process which allows clients to securely nominate an agent through ATO’s online services.


The ATO is seeking to understand the potential impacts of this new process on businesses and intermediaries, including:

  • understanding requirements for implementation of the new process
  • testing communication products
  • reviewing post implementation feedback to identify any potential opportunities for improvement to the user experience.

Who we are consulting

Consultation lead

Ziva White, Strategy and Support
Phone 07 3213 5640

