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GST, excise and indirect taxes

Information about GST, excise and indirect taxes.

Explains how goods and services tax (GST) works and what you need to do to meet your GST obligations.

Understand your tax obligations if you import alcohol, tobacco, fuel or petroleum products.

Understand your alcohol excise obligations, including registration, licensing, lodgment, payment and record keeping.

Understand your fuel excise obligations, including registration, licensing, lodgment, payment and record keeping.

Check which entities hold excise licences or customs excise-equivalent warehouse licences.

Explains how excise works for tobacco produced, moved, stored or manufactured in Australia.

Learn about paying luxury car tax (LCT) – a tax on cars that have a GST-inclusive value above the LCT threshold.

Wine equalisation tax (WET) is a once-off tax on certain wine transactions in Australia.

How petroleum resource rent tax may affect you if you're entitled to receipts from the sale of petroleum products.
