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Income protection policy receipts – supporting information

Information to provide with your objection or private ruling request about income protection policy receipts.

Last updated 23 June 2024

How to lodge

To apply for a private ruling about income protection policy receipts:

To lodge an objection about income protection policy receipts:

Check first whether your question is answered in Income you must declare - Compensation and insurance payments.

Supporting information

Providing this information up front will reduce delays.

If you've previously given us any of the information listed below, you don't need to resend it.

The information we need for a private ruling or objection about income protection policy receipts includes:

  • whether you are an Australian resident for income tax purposes
  • whether the payment is being made from an Australian source, and if not, details of the source
  • what date did the payments commence
  • where the payment is a lump sum, the date or anticipated date of payment
  • why the payment is being made – for example, the terms of the insurance policy under which the payments are being made
  • if not a lump sum, how often the payments are made
  • the purpose of the payment – for example, whether the payment is made as a source of income support
  • a copy of the policy under which the payments are being made.

