How to lodge
To apply for a private ruling about the deductions you can claim for overseas travel:
- complete and submit a private ruling application form
- provide the supporting information listed below.
To lodge an objection about the deductions you can claim for overseas travel:
- complete and submit the relevant form
- provide the supporting information listed below.
Supporting information
Providing this information up front will reduce delays.
If you've previously given us any of the information listed below, you don't need to resend it.
The information we need for a private ruling or objection about the deductibility of overseas travel includes:
- the purpose and duration of the trip overseas
- your employment duties and how the travel relates to that employment
- if the duration of your trip was 6 or more consecutive nights, a copy of your travel diary
- whether your employer requested that you travel overseas
- whether you received a travel allowance from anyone or whether you were reimbursed for any of the expenses incurred
- whether you took leave to travel overseas, and if so, what type of leave
- the date you left Australia and the date you returned
- whether the trip contained a private component, and if so, details
- what expenses you incurred, including amounts, dates and details on how the expenses were calculated
- how you apportioned expenses to cover the private component
- whether anyone accompanied you on the trip overseas, and if so
- who and your relationship with them
- what they did while you were doing work-related activities
- whether any expenses you wish to claim relate to this person
You should also provide a copy of all evidence you have to substantiate the expenses.