
Income Tax Assessment Bill 1965.

Income Tax Assessment Act 1965

Explanatory Memorandum

(Circulated by authority of the Minister representing the Treasurer, Senator, The Hon. N.H.D. Henty).


The following schedule supplements the schedule of clauses at page 92 of the Explanatory Memorandum to the original Bill as introduced into the House of Representatives. This schedule shows the changes that have been made to clause and sub-section numbers of that Bill in the amended Bill now before the Senate.

  Amended Bill Original Bill Subject Clause of Bill Section of Principal Act Page of Minister's Notes Clause of Bill Section of Principal Act Page of Treasurer's Notes
Contributions to Superannuation Funds *23 22 69
*24 82AAG(8)(a) 6-7 23 82AAG(8)(b) 71
82AAG(8)(b) 82AAG(8)(c) 71
82AAG(9) 82AAG(8)(a) 71
82AAG(10)-(13) 82AAG(9)-(12) 71-72
25-27 24-26 79-80
Income of Superannuation Funds *7(a) 23(ja) 2 - - -
*9 23F(3) 2-4 - - -
23F(4)-(10) 9 23F(3)-(9) 27-30
23F(11)(a) 23F(10)(b) 30
23F(11)(b) 23F(10)(c) 30
23F(12) 23F(10)(a) 30
23F(13)-(18) 23F(11)-(16) 30-31
*18 79(3) 5-6 - - -
79(4)-(6) 17 79(3)-(5) 51
79(7)(a) 79(6)(b) 51
79(7)(b) 79(6)(c) 51
79(8) 79(6)(a) 51
79(9)-(23) 79(7)-(21) 51-56
*30 121BA(4) 7 - - -
Losses Incurred by Companies 20-22 19-21 58-60
42 40 88
Change in Name of Tax on Income 31 29 81
34 32 85
35 33 85
37-41 35-39 87-88
43 41 89
Cost of Converting plant for use with Decimal Currency *15 53F 7-9 - -
*16 9-12 15 41
32-33 30-31 81-85
Exemptions for Members of Defence Force 7(b) 7(a) 19
7(c) 7(b) 19
19 18 56
Other provisions 17 16 45
28-29 27-28 80
36 34 86
*44(1) 12-13 42(1) 89
44(2) 42(2) 89
*44(3) 7 42(3) 89
*44(4) 9 - -
*44(5) 13 - -
*44(6) 13 - -
44(7) 42(4) 89
* The principal amendments to the original Bill have been made in the clauses indicated.

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