Corporations Act 2001
Modifying legislative instruments: The application of Ch 5C is affected by the following legislative instruments that commenced on or after 1 January 2022: ASIC Corporations (Asset Holding Standards for Responsible Entities) Instrument 2024/16.
Modifying legislative instruments: The application of Pt 5C.2 is affected by the following legislative instruments that commenced on or after 1 January 2022: ASIC Corporations (Asset Holding Standards for Responsible Entities) Instrument 2024/16.
CCH Note: Division 1 is modified by the ASIC Corporations (Discretions for Setting the Issue Price and Withdrawal Price of Interests in Managed Investment Schemes) Instrument 2023/693; and the ASIC Corporations (Changing the Responsible Entity) Instrument 2023/681.
CCH note: This provision is modified by legislative instruments. See the CCH note at the end of the provision for details.
In exercising its powers and carrying out its duties, the responsible entity of a registered scheme must: (a) act honestly; and (b) exercise the degree of care and diligence that a reasonable person would exercise if they were in the responsible entity ' s position; and (c) act in the best interests of the members and, if there is a conflict between the members ' interests and its own interests, give priority to the members ' interests; and (d) treat the members who hold interests of the same class equally and members who hold interests of different classes fairly; and (e) not make use of information acquired through being the responsible entity in order to:
(i) gain an improper advantage for itself or another person; or
(f) ensure that the scheme ' s constitution meets the requirements of sections 601GA and 601GB ; and (g) ensure that the scheme ' s compliance plan meets the requirements of section 601HA ; and (h) comply with the scheme ' s compliance plan; and (i) ensure that scheme property is:
(ii) cause detriment to the members of the scheme; and
(i) clearly identified as scheme property; and
(j) ensure that the scheme property is valued at regular intervals appropriate to the nature of the property; and (k) ensure that all payments out of the scheme property are made in accordance with the scheme ' s constitution and this Act; and
(ii) held separately from property of the responsible entity and property of any other scheme; and
(l) (Repealed) (m) carry out or comply with any other duty, not inconsistent with this Act, that is conferred on the responsible entity by the scheme ' s constitution.
The responsible entity holds scheme property on trust for scheme members.
Note: Under subsection 601FB(2) , the responsible entity may appoint an agent to hold scheme property separately from other property.
A duty of the responsible entity under subsection (1) or (2) overrides any conflicting duty an officer or employee of the responsible entity has under Part 2D.1 .
(Repealed by No 101 of 2007, s 3, Sch 1, Pt 1 [ 66].)
A responsible entity who contravenes subsection (1) , and any person who is involved in a responsible entity ' s contravention of that subsection, contravenes this subsection.
Note 1: Section 79 defines involved .
Note 2: Subsection (5) is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E ).
(Repealed by No 180 of 2012, s 3, Sch 1[17].)
[ CCH Note: Act No 180 of 2012, s 3, Sch 7[1] contained the following application provision (which was effective 11 December 2012):
]Application of amendments made by this Act
The amendments made by this Act apply in relation to an act or omission by a body corporate occurring on or after the day this Act commences.
601FC(7) - (8)
(Repealed by No 117 of 2001, s 3, Sch 1 [ 179] and [ 180].)
CCH Note - modifying legislative instruments: Section 601FC is modified by the following legislative instruments that commenced or were amended on or after 1 January 2022: the ASIC Corporations (Discretions for Setting the Issue Price and Withdrawal Price of Interests in Managed Investment Schemes) Instrument 2023/693; the ASIC Corporations (Equality of Treatment Impacting on the Acquisition of Scheme Interests and CCIV Shares) Instrument 2023/697; the ASIC Corporations (Changing the Responsible Entity) Instrument 2023/681; the ASIC Corporations (Asset Holding Standards for Responsible Entities) Instrument 2024/16; and the ASIC Corporations (Relief to Facilitate Admission of Exchange Traded Funds) Instrument 2024/147.
For modifying legislative instruments or class orders before 1 January 2022, please consult the legislative instruments or class orders directly. These are reproduced in the regulatory-resources section of the company-law practice area in CCH iKnowConnect.
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