Energy Grants (Credits) Scheme (Consequential Amendments) Act 2003 (54 of 2003) as amended

Schedule 1   Amendment of the Product Grants and Benefits Administration Act 2000

22   After subsection 27(1)


(1A) If the claim was in relation to an energy grant, you must keep records that enable you to substantiate that you have not lost your entitlement to the grant because of the application of section 49 or 55 of the Energy Grants (Credits) Scheme Act 2003.

(1B) You are taken to have met the requirements set out in subsection (1A) if you keep records of a kind, and in a manner, specified in a written determination made by the Commissioner.

(1C) The records must be:

(a) in English; or

(b) readily accessible, and easily convertible into English.

(1D) You must retain the records for the period of 5 years after the claim was made.