Crimes Act Amendment (Forensic Procedures) Act (No. 1) 2006 (130 of 2006)

Schedule 1   Amendments

Crimes Act 1914

1   Part ID (simplified outline)


This Part also provides for:

• the establishing of a DNA database system (Division 8A); and

• offences in relation to the DNA database system (Division 8A); and

• the protection of information stored in the DNA database system (Division 11); and

• the destruction of forensic material (Division 8A).


This Part also:

• contains offences in relation to the Commonwealth DNA database system and the National Criminal Investigation DNA Database ( NCIDD ) (Division 8A); and

• provides for the whole or a part of the Commonwealth DNA database system to be integrated with the whole or a part of one or more State/Territory DNA database systems to form part of NCIDD (Division 8A); and

• provides for the exchange of information in the Commonwealth DNA database system or a State/Territory DNA database system and the protection of the information that is exchanged (Division 11); and

• provides for the destruction of forensic material (Division 8).