Income Tax Assessment Act 1997



Division 715 - Interactions between this Part and other areas of the income tax law  

Subdivision 715-J - Entry history rule and choices  

Choices with ongoing effect

SECTION 715-675   Head company adopting choice with ongoing effect  

This section has effect, despite section 715-670 , if:

(a) an entity that becomes a * member of a * consolidated group had a choice (however described) in effect under a provision (the choice provision ) listed in that section before becoming a member of the group; and

(b) the time at which the entity becomes a member of the group is the first time at which an entity that had a choice (however described) in effect under the choice provision before becoming a member of the group became a member of the group; and

(c) the * head company of the group chooses in writing, before:

(i) the end of 90 days after the Commissioner is given notice under Division 703 that the entity has become a member of the group; or

(ii) a later time allowed by the Commissioner;
to be treated as if the head company had made a choice under the choice provision.

The * head company is taken to have made a choice under the choice provision for these purposes:

(a) the head company core purposes set out in section 701-1 (Single entity rule);

(b) the purposes of the application of section 715-670 and paragraph (1)(a) in relation to another * consolidated group of which the company later becomes a * subsidiary member.

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