24 July 2024



TD 2024/6 Income tax: trustee risk reserves - deductibility of payments made by a superannuation fund to its trustee


PR 2021/11A1 - Addendum Tax consequences for Australian policyholders of a Quilter executive investment bond

Practice statements

PS LA 2011/4 - Update Collection and recovery of disputed debts

22 July 2024


interpretation NOW!

Episode 110

18 July 2024


Practice statements

PS LA 2008/1 (GA) - Update Goods and services tax and input tax credits for acquisitions related to making supplies under a disclosed hire purchase agreement entered into before 1 July 2012 To outline the Commissioner's approach to calculating the input tax credit entitlement for acquisitions that relate to the making of supplies under disclosed hire purchase agreements
PS LA 2007/21 - Update Substituted accounting periods (SAPs)
PS LA 2011/21 - Update Offsetting of refunds and credits against taxation and other debts

17 July 2024



CR 2024/44 Pharmx Technologies Limited - return of capital


TD 2024/5 Income tax: how the non-arm's length income and capital gains tax provisions interact to determine the amount of statutory income that is non-arm's length income


TR 2022/3ER2 - Erratum Income tax: personal services income and personal services businesses

11 July 2024


Practice statements

PS LA 2006/19 - Update Self-managed superannuation funds - issuing a notice of non-compliance
PS LA 2007/4 - Update Remission of penalty for failure to comply with GST registration obligations
PS LA 2008/18 - Update Interaction between Subdivisions 284-B and 284-C of Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 To provide guidance to officers on the assessment of penalties under Division 284 of Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 when assessments which rely on adjustment provisions (including the general anti-avoidance provisions) are issued
PS LA 2011/19 - Update Administration of the penalty for failure to lodge on time

10 July 2024



CR 2024/40 Silver Lake Resources Limited - scrip for scrip roll-over
CR 2024/41 Upper Yarra Community Enterprise Ltd - off-market share buy-back
CR 2024/42 Suncorp Group Limited - Suncorp Capital Notes 5
CR 2024/43 Technology Metals Australia Limited - scrip for scrip roll-over


PR 2022/6A2 - Addendum Tax consequences for a customer participating in CommBank Yello with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia
TD 2018/14W Income tax: what is the benchmark interest rate applicable for the year of income that commenced on 1 July 2018 for the purposes of Division 7A of Part III of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 and how is it used?

3 July 2024



CR 2024/37 Calima Energy Limited - return of capital
CR 2024/38 Best & Less Group Holdings Pty Limited - employee share scheme - disposal of shares
CR 2024/39 EROAD Australia Pty Ltd - Fuel Tax Credits Solution
PR 2024/11 Utmost Executive Investment Bond


TD 2024/4 Income tax: hybrid mismatch rules - application of certain aspects of the 'liable entity' and 'hybrid payer' definitions


TD 2018/11W Income tax: what are the reasonable travel and overtime meal allowance expense amounts for the 2018-19 income year?

Justified Trust

GST analytical tool - Update
Future GST engagement after initial GST assurance review - Update
Monitoring and maintenance approach - Update
Top 100 program - Tailored approach to obtaining, maintaining and refreshing assurance
Top 100 GST refresh review
Top 100 Income tax refresh review
Top 100 Pre-lodgment disclosure framework

1 July 2024


interpretation NOW!

Episode 109

26 June 2024



CR 2024/34 Carbon Revolution Limited - exchange of shares for Carbon Revolution plc shares
CR 2024/35 Cirrus Networks Holdings Limited - scheme of arrangement
CR 2024/36 National Australia Bank Limited - NAB Capital Notes 8


TD 2024/3 Income tax: what are the reasonable travel and overtime meal allowance expense amounts for the 2024-25 income year?

Draft amendments

TR 2023/4DC1 Income tax and superannuation guarantee: who is an employee?


TR 2013/5A1 - Addendum Income tax: when a superannuation income stream commences and ceases

25 June 2024



SGR 2005/1W Superannuation guarantee: who is an employee?

21 June 2024


Legislative instrument

F2024L00697 Income Tax Assessment (Cents per Kilometre Deduction Rate for Car Expenses) Determination 2024

19 June 2024



CR 2024/33 PointsBet Holdings Limited - return of capital
PR 2024/10 St. James's Place Fund Administration Bond and Portfolio Administration Bond

14 June 2024


Legislative instrument

F2024L00664 Taxation Administration (Withholding Schedules) Instrument 2024

12 June 2024



CR 2024/32 Advanced Share Registry Limited - scheme of arrangement and special dividend
PR 2024/9 Summit Rural (WA) Pty Limited - End of Season Scheme


WETD 2024/D1 Wine equalisation tax: the addition of water to cider or perry
ED 2024/D1 Alcohol excise: the addition of water to beer

Practical compliance guidelines

PCG 2023/1 - Update Claiming a deduction for additional running expenses incurred while working from home - ATO compliance approach

5 June 2024


Legislative instrument

F2024L00622 Taxation Administration (Reporting Exemptions for Electronic Distribution Platform Operators) Determination 2024

31 May 2024

Synthesised texts of the MLI and Australia's tax treaties

China Synthesised text of the MLI and the Agreement between Australia and the People's Republic of China for the Avoidance of Double Taxation with Respect to Taxes on Income and Fringe Benefits and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion

29 May 2024



CR 2024/31 Link Administration Holdings Limited - scheme of arrangement and special dividend
PR 2024/7 Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Advantage Fund
PR 2024/8 W.A. Blue Gum Project 2024


PR 2021/3A3 - Addendum Income tax: taxation consequences of changing the portfolio structure, contributing to and partially redeeming an investment in a unit in the Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Advantage Fund - 2021

Decision impact statements

VID 662/2022 (Full Federal Court) VID 446/2020 (Federal Court) Minerva Financial Group Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Taxation

24 May 2024


interpretation NOW!

Episode 108

22 May 2024



TR 2024/D2 Income tax: exempt income of international organisations and persons connected with them
PR 2024/6 Tax consequences of investing in the Anadara Deferred Purchase Agreement


TR 2019/D1W Income tax: income of international organisations and persons connected with them that is exempt from income tax

20 May 2024


Legislative instrument

F2024L00550 Taxation Laws (Requirement to Lodge a Return for the 2024 Year) Instrument 2024
F2024L00551 Income Tax Assessment (Requirement for Parents Liable for or Entitled to Child Support to Lodge a Return for the 2024 Year) Instrument 2024

15 May 2024



CR 2024/30 Gamma Investments HoldCo Pty Ltd - reduction of share capital
PR 2024/5 Challenger Lifetime Annuity (Liquid Lifetime) - 2024

Decision impact statements

NSD 816/2023 (Full Federal Court) Commissioner of Taxation v Hannover Life Re of Australasia Ltd
NSD 332 of 2022 (Full Federal Court) Jamsek v ZG Operations Australia Pty Ltd (No 3)
NSD 562 of 2022 (Full Federal Court) JMC Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Taxation

9 May 2024


Practice statements - updates

PS LA 2000/2 An exemption for the trustees of some trust estates from the requirement to furnish a tax return on behalf of the trust estate
PS LA 2015/2 Time limits for trustee assessments
PS LA 2016/5 The disclosure of information and documents collected by the Registrar of the Australian Business Register

Legislative instrument

LI 2024/D6 Draft A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax): Waiver of Tax Invoice Requirement (Motor Vehicle Incentive Payment Made to Motor Vehicle Dealer) Determination 2024
LI 2024/D7 Draft Taxation Administration (Withholding Variation for Certain Payments to US Resident Entertainers Including Athletes) Legislative Instrument 2024

8 May 2024



CR 2024/28 Link Wentworth Housing Limited - deductibility of donations under a payment direction deed
CR 2024/29 Queensland Health - Nursing and Midwifery Regional, Rural and Remote Student Placement Allowance
PR 2024/4 Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited - PrePay Plus Agreement

1 May 2024



PR 2024/3 LongView Homeowner Funding Agreement


TD 2016/11W Income tax: what is the benchmark interest rate applicable for the year of income that commenced on 1 July 2016 for the purposes of Division 7A of Part III of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 and how is it used?
TD 2016/8W Income tax: what is the car limit under section 40-230 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 for the 2016-17 financial year?
TD 2017/17W Income tax: what is the benchmark interest rate applicable for the year of income that commenced on 1 July 2017 for the purposes of Division 7A of Part III of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 and how is it used?
TD 2017/18W Income tax: what is the car limit under section 40-230 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 for the 2017-18 financial year?

Legislative instrument

LI 2024/D4 Draft Excise (Blending Exemptions) Instrument 2024
LI 2024/D5 Draft Income Tax Assessment (Cents per Kilometre Deduction Rate for Car Expenses) Determination 2024

interpretation NOW!

Episode 107

24 April 2024



CR 2024/27 Insurance Australia Group Limited - IAG Capital Notes 3


TD 2018/1W Fringe benefits tax: for the purposes of section 28 of the Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986 what are the indexation factors for valuing non-remote housing for the fringe benefits tax year commencing on 1 April 2018?
TD 2018/2W Fringe benefits tax: what is the benchmark interest rate to be used for the fringe benefits tax year commencing on 1 April 2018?
TD 2018/3W Fringe benefits tax: reasonable amounts under section 31G of the Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986 for food and drink expenses incurred by employees receiving a living-away-from-home allowance fringe benefit for the fringe benefits tax year commencing on 1 April 2018
TD 2018/4W Fringe benefits tax: what are the rates to be applied on a cents per kilometre basis for calculating the taxable value of a fringe benefit arising from the private use of a motor vehicle other than a car for the fringe benefits tax year commencing on 1 April 2018?
TD 2018/5W Fringe benefits tax: for the purposes of section 135C of the Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986 , what is the exemption threshold for the fringe benefits tax year commencing on 1 April 2018?
TD 2018/7W Fringe benefits tax: for the purposes of section 39A of the Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986 what is the car parking threshold for the fringe benefits tax year commencing on 1 April 2018?
TD 93/97W Income tax: if a taxpayer claims a deduction for self education expenses under section 8-1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 , is the amount of $250 spent, but disallowed as a deduction under section 82A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 , excluded from the substantiation provisions?
TR 2020/1A2 - Addendum Income tax: employees: deductions for work expenses under section 8-1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
TR 2021/1A2 - Addendum Income tax: when are deductions allowed for employee's transport expenses?
TR 2021/4A1 - Addendum Income tax and fringe benefits tax: employees: accommodation and food and drink expenses, travel allowances, and living-away-from-home allowances

Practice statements - update

PS LA 2012/1 Engaging Tax Counsel Network on tax technical issues

ATO interpretative decisions

Withdrawn interpretative decisions
ATO ID 2002/517 (Withdrawn) Self-education expenses: driver education course
ATO ID 2003/614 (Withdrawn) Deductions: self-education - personal development course
ATO ID 2003/84 (Withdrawn) Self-education expenses - personal development course
ATO ID 2005/26 (Withdrawn) Deductions: self education - course fees paid from FEE-HELP loan funds
ATO ID 2005/27 (Withdrawn) Deductions: self education - payments made to reduce FEE-HELP debt
ATO ID 2005/69 (Withdrawn) Self education expenses: cancellation of enrolment of study

19 April 2024

Synthesised texts of the MLI and Australia's tax treaties

Thailand Synthesised text of the MLI and the Agreement between Australia and the Kingdom of Thailand for the Avoidance of Double Taxation with Respect to Taxes on Income and Fringe Benefits and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion

17 April 2024



CR 2024/24 Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited - Capital Notes 2
CR 2024/25 VHM Limited - return of capital by in specie distribution of shares in VP Minerals Limited
CR 2024/26 Snack Foods Pty Ltd - Early Retirement Scheme 2024

Technical discussion papers

Thin capitalisation - attribution of risk weighted assets to Australian branches of foreign banks

12 April 2024


Decision impact statements

2020/0826 GQHC and Commissioner of Taxation

10 April 2024



CR 2024/23 The Trustee for the Voyager Resort - tax consequences for former timeshare owners

Practice statements

PS LA 2008/6 - Update Fraud or evasion

Decision impact statements

2021/8256, 2021/8257 and 2021/8258 BPFN and Commissioner of Taxation

Practical compliance guidelines

PCG 2018/4 - Update Income tax - liability of a legal personal representative of a deceased person

ATO Fact sheets

Category B players of WAFL clubs - taxation of match payments Fact sheets for individuals

3 April 2024



CR 2024/22 Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited - ANZ Capital Notes 9

2 April 2024


interpretation NOW!

Episode 106